Because none of the content here is mine. But actually since that is the case, I probably should just remove the ads from this blog and leave it separate, because I imagine making money on things I haven't made is not a good idea. I didn't really think about it until now. Ads gone. Also, that gives me a bit less incentive to update, so I will start doing it once a week, on... I don't know. Sunday or Monday. This also means that I can just post all of my pics at once, so I'll probably upload more at a time.
If a pic makes me smile, if I like the idea behind it, if I like how it looks, I'm gonna post it here. I will post until I'm out of pics and then find more. I have a "better"(/more serious) blog imo. I'll post once a week, on Sunday or Monday. I don't care if you post your blog link. But if I visit your blog and it is annoying, I'm removing it.